Where have I been?

Well, I have been in a writing group weekly. This counts—a lot. Always shared a poem even if it wasn’t a current one.

Discovery #1-

I found poems I wrote in the 1970s in my tender decade of the twenties. Not bad, in fact, pretty good in their freshness & innocence. So I shared some of these.

Discovery #2-

Two weeks in a row—a few days before the writing group met—I wrote a poem nearly effortlessly. Of course, they were drafts. Yet each had seeds of truth. Each had wit and memorable words. This gives me hope. I can sit before my laptop and release something decent!

Discovery #3-

I’ve been exceptionally busy. I’ve been entirely too busy for a retiree (Ohio Lesbian Archives talks, work with volunteers, searching for new space); preparing for a move of my own after sixteen+ years in this abundant nature space; and feeling tired, sometimes exhausted (is it being 72?). And I admit – it’s ok to rest! OK to nod off watching something on tv. Necessary to recharge.

Until next time…..


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